Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"E" is for egg!

Our nursery rhyme this week was about an egg named Humpty Dumpty. Luke's Mommy came and read the nursery rhyme and made a craft with us! 

"D" is for Donald and Daisy

We made mask to play with for "D" week. 

Owl Star Sibella

Sibella enjoys lunch with her favorite toy Ariel!

Letter "D" Snack of the Week

"D" is for doughnuts! 

"D" is for Duck Duck Goose

Letter "C" Snack of the Week

Carson brought Chocolate Chip Cookies for snack! Yummy! Thank you!

Letter "B" Snack of the Week!

Thank you Eli for bringing Bananas and Butterflies for our snack! Very cute snack!

K-3 meets Clifford

"C" is for our class friend Clifford!

We love when Mrs Baker comes to read to us!

Color and Number matching

Luke's Mommy came to read Corduroy the Bear book

"B" Week

Bear sorting, bring a bear to school, teddy bear picnic and roll a ball

"B" is for Bus

We took a bus ride with Layla as our driver.