Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We planted Sunflower Seeds!

We made slime!


"S" Snack of the Week!

Mia brought chocolate dipped Strawberries! Yum!

"S" is for Show and Tell!

Felt Board

Delaney makes a story on the felt board.

Clifford Day!

"S" is for Snowball toss!

We made snowballs out of paper!

Jump rope for Heart

K-3 watches the big school participate in Jump Rope for Heart!

K-3's Quilt Project

"Q" snack of the week!

David brought the Queen's Quilted cookies! Yum!

Monday, March 11, 2013

"P" Snack of the Week

Calum made a letter "P" snack mix with Pretzels, Pops cereal and Puff corn.